Dear loyal reader,
Thank you for your time scouring the internet and happening upon this secret blog.
I am up late because I am super-super 1 hour jetlagged from visiting my counterpart, Jennifur, in Chicago + freaking out because I'm flying home in 1 day and must accomplish about 1000 things including an 8 hour work day tomorrow + THIS:
Let's just jump right in with QUERY, shall we?
A person (possibly a woman) sings along (probably to self, definitely with a foreign accent) "You say tomato, and I say tomato..." (the joke being that said person doesn't understand or can't differentiate the vowels enough to produce the original tomaTOE toMATah joke). Then there may or may not be another person to perceive this hysterical/endearing/creepy moment and who might or might not make a comment about it. Probably a one-liner.
Hmmm? Hmmmmmmmm??? Sound familiar?
I had the brilliant idea, just 6 short hours from being up for work, that it was almost definitely Hank Azaria's character from The Birdcage. --The one and only movie that reduced me to a sentimental sobfest while riding an elliptical --- BUT nothing surfaced on Google to confirm. And Google is God.
I will not get any sleep tonight.
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