Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Birthday Hyperventilating!

Ok. I need help.

Next Monday is my birthday. My 25th birthday.

I am somewhat notorious for throwing lame-o parties. Last year at my party at the Beer Garden my 3 guests (+1 I'd never met) sat/stood for close to an hour under about a foot and a half of shelter in torrential rains.  Year before that my 2 guests (not including my sister) were an hour late. We drove over an hour to see Talladega Nights at the drive-in ... only to follow it up with a stint at the bar with my ex-boyfriend,  who felt it necessary to spend the entire night trying to apologize for being in love with someone else. Not that that was news, but I had spent all summer sulking about it so it was exactly what I had hoped to forget about on my birthday. On my 16th birthday my parents threw me a "surprise" party... though I'm not really sure which part of it they thought would be a surprise because we went over to my grandmother's  every Sunday and since it was my birthday I fully expected there to be cake. 
I mean, I've been to good parties.... but I don't think I've thrown a good birthday since my sister and I had joint swim-parties. Which actually sounds like it might be fun again. Too bad we live so far apart.

Ok. That brings us to THIS YEAR. My birthday is on a MONDAY. The place I wanted to have it is randomly CLOSED. I realize some of my problem is that I have a penchant for trying to throw things together at the absolute last minute.

Pros: Good possibility to Monday night drink specials, little preparation.
Cons: Don't have any bar in particular in mind, might not be as me-centered.
>Astoria (close by, can rule bar; getting to Queens is a pain for some) 
> vs. Manhattan (more people might show, bar might be cooler; but LES is a pain for me)
Pros: I have a roof that could possibly be utilized, I want my friends to meet my apartment.
Cons: Party planning, its my roommates birthday too (possibly a pro?).
>Should I have a theme?
> What will we do if all the talking comes to a stop at one moment and we're all bored and maybe we need an activity??!

I don't want to put too much pressure on this. But I CANNOT have another shitty birthday. And I really need to send out e-vites 2-nite.

Smooches and pooches,

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