More on the pill thing...
We take a pill designed by men, made through male-owned pharmaceutical companies, marketed through male-owned advertising firms, so that the man in our lives won't have to be nervous.
I think you should kill somebuddy Becki!
(Yes, I acknowledge it's a choice, and there are benefits, yadda yadda...)
and NO! I couldn't handle a pregnancy right now, back off! ...Dear God, please don't let me be pregnant...
Allow me to lay some science on you as I understand it:
The birth control pill uses hormones, either estrogen or progesterone to fool the body into thinking it is currently pregnant. When the body believes this it does not ovulate, thus eliminating the possibility of you conceiving at that time. Additionally because the body thinks it is pregnant (this may get a little graphic, fellas) it doesn't waste any time creating that big bloody gooey layer inside the uterus for the new zygote to attach to...it thinks it already has one attached, stupid uterus. Because the body has a thinner uterine lining when it finally sheds - due to the absence of hormone during the placebo phase of the pill cycle - the cramps should be less...
The period we have is not a period at all, it's the body's reaction to what it thinks is the loss of it's pregnancy, not that it's all emotional like that, but it's not a period, a period is the disposal of the unfertilized egg from the uterus. (Everybody learning?)
So Becki, you not only shouldn't really have cramps, but you shouldn't be having a bloody (pardon the pun) period at all!
Now, you may kill somebuddy...
No, really, I'll wait...
Good? Ok.
So, I guess the Query here is: What's the better option?
Uterus for life! (get it?)
1 comment:
Wow. Thanks for the info! I feel that I will know all this once I can get back to NY and can start reading "CU-know-what" which I borrowed from the Apondo Library.
You errr US! for life?
Did I get it?
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