I feel it is possible that we've been neglecting to post because we haven't wanted to broach a certain, sensitive issue. Its time to come clean. Cyberspace deserves at least that much.
One day, not too long ago, while sipping champagne on the terrace and attempting to google ourselves it came mine and Jennifur's attention that we did not spell "quandAry" correctly when creating this little brainchild of a blog.
Look people, we are HUMAN... i.e. prone to mistakes that don't really need to be mentioned in polite company. H-U-M-A-N. I, for one, have had several inappropriate personal relationships and Jennifur has been known to drop the occasional racial slur. That's how human we are. And not only are we human: We are AMERICANADIANS. We don't back down just because we made a mistake. Once the rake is thrown there is nothing to do but stomp off in the most dramatic way possible and demand a raise in salary.
Also, there is no changing the URL.
Raise the banner,
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